Lewis County is the county that extends over 479.81 sq mi of area. Total population of the county is more than 3.7K as per the latest information released by the census bureau of the United State. This county took its name from Meriwether Lewis, explorer. The county was founded in the year 1911. The latest census record informs that more than 1.5K household and 1,000 family units are based in this county. Nezperce is the county seat and Kamiah is the largest city.
A cultural permutation of Non - Hispanic or white, Pacific Islander, Native American, Asian, black or African American, Hispanic or Latino and others constitutes the county census.
Lewis County index is indeed an interesting and funny site that is built upon good will embracing latest technology and methodology. The significant databases including military service and war veterans, property deeds, birth, marriage particulars, death news, and divorce decree information, naturalization details, civil court data, census, ancestral SSN, probates, civil war particulars and many other particulars can be great of help for the genealogy and record hunters for generating their family history.