Minidoka County covers 762.98 sq mi of land. It is home to more than 20K people. It derived its name from The Dakota Sioux word meaning "a fountain or spring of water." The county was founded in the year 1913. It hosts 6.9K households and 5.3K family units. Rupert is the county seat and the largest city.
An ethnic integration of Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, Native American, white, black, Asian and others represents the cultural heritage of the county.
Minidoka County index archive stands out to be an extremely effective and helpful database that comes up with brilliant collection of data in the most professional manner. The massive repository gathers significant information and clues regarding death and obituary news, military, origin and marital particulars, immigration, separation decree information, civil court data, census, property deeds, last will and estate statistics, ancestral SSN, civil war particulars and much likes.