Founded in the year 1917, Valley County is located in west central Idaho in the United States. It got its name from the Long Valley of the North Fork of the Payette River. It encloses an area of 3,733.66 sq mi. As per the latest census report, the county is the abode for more than 7,500 people, 3.3K households and 2,300 families. Cascade is the county seat and McCall is the largest city.
The racial ethnicity of the county is build up of Hispanic or Latino of any race, white, black or African American, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander and various others.
Valley County index, a reliable site, is dedicated to maintaining huge collection of important records related to both public and vital particulars. Through this functional search engine, you can now get hold of significant specifics regarding court minutes, pedigree SSN, divorce verdict information, census, property registration, colonization details, military duty, death reports, birth, last will and estate data, wedding, war fundamentals and similar other topics.