Created in the year 1879, Washington County is located in the U.S. state of Idaho. It was named after from George Washington. It encloses an area of 1,473.54 sq mi. As per the latest census report, the county is the habitat for more than 9.9K people, 3.8K households and 2,750 families. Weiser is the county seat and the largest city.
The racial makeup of the county is White, Pacific Islander, Native American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino of any race, Black or African American along two or three other races.
Washington County index archive, equipped with diverse records and data, makes the life easier for the records searchers and genealogy enthusiasts to get the exact information they are looking for. The unique search engine helps you peek into the long-lost world of your forefathers and their off springs. Find ample information on divorce decree, marriage history, death reports, ancestral SSN, immigration details, military service, civil court data, census, property deeds, birth, last will and estate data, civil war particulars and loads of other important reports.